

Embracing multiplication is a process, a purposeful way to impact others in a community. This process requires being intentional to go to places where a disciple-making movement isn’t already happening.

Then how does multiplication happen? It happens by receiving coaching, then passing on knowledge and experience. Taking that knowledge and experience and  building teams of believers who are actively ministering to a community. These teams of disciple makers get multiple Discovery Groups going, and can reach an entire neighborhood or people group. God uses these simple steps, over and over, to build a viral disciple-making movement.

The ultimate goal is to see the gospel planted so it grows up into local churches among an unbelieving people group who are now being transformed by God.

Paul has persuaded many people that handmade gods aren’t really gods at all. And he’s done this not only here in Ephesus but throughout the entire province!
— - Acts 19:26 

As local churches begin, the Lord will provide opportunities to continue this growing cycle of disciple-making, creating a viral movement throughout the community, and beyond.